All Seeing Eye >>> Yahoo ??

  • Zitat

    Jan 31, 2005
    In September of 2004, Yahoo! Inc. acquired The All-Seeing Eye. Yahoo! (tm) is excited to release the first version of The All-Seeing Eye under the Yahoo! brand.

    During the testing of this release, Yahoo! received extensive feedback from users of The All-Seeing Eye about why they use the product and why they like it. As a result of this feedback, you will notice very little has changed from earlier versions.

    We at Yahoo! hope you like this new version and encourage you to add your feedback to that we have already received.

    Weiss jemand ob und was geändert wurde ??

  • Ach sch**sse, immer der Kommerz. Jetzt kommen wahrscheinlich Werbebanner und zielgerichtete Gamewerbung nach Deinem Nutzerprofil. Mann ich HASSE es..... :frust:


    They plan on integrating ASE with the Yahoo! Messenger app, which could mean for much easier multiplayer game launching on par with XFire. If they manage to also integrate the Yahoo! voice chat feature, they could have a winner on their hands.

    Yahoo! has vowed that they will not alter ASE, but come on. Of course they will. They'll get everybody to install it and rely upon it, then start selling ads. It's the way of the world.


  • Zitat

    Original von [BR]-CoDuck
    Ach sch**sse, immer der Kommerz. Jetzt kommen wahrscheinlich Werbebanner und zielgerichtete Gamewerbung nach Deinem Nutzerprofil. Mann ich HASSE es..... :frust:

    Und was ist daran neu ???? Macht doch schon fast jeder ?(

    Sch....... is es trotzdem :frust:

  • Aber noch nicht perfekt :

    Klick mal auf yahoo! Messenger (rechts):


    Not Found
    The requested URL /messenger was not found on this server."



    Original von [BR]-GroßerMieserMööp
    Funktionell scheint sich bisher kaum was geändert zu haben.....nur ein kleines Banner oben rechts und ein paar neue Icons........das wäre noch zu verschmerzen..............